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                Welcome to the official website!
                hotline:0512-66796915 中文 | English
                Latest announcement:
                Who are we?
                who we are
                DELIX (Suzhou) is specialized in automation equipments, covering research, design, and manufacturing. Using the advanced talents, we can design and build up all kinds of customized equipments, factory automation solutions ,and localization of imported equipments. DELIX is dedicated to provide high quality automation equipments and service, which has already made us one of the premier machinery manufacturer of China. DELIX focuses on experience accumulation and research team building. Our team combines with mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, software engineers, automation specialists and tool makers, who are experienced professionals with inspiration to offer the best automation solutions. Through more than 10 years of development,  we have accumulated plenty of experience in assembly equipment, test equipment,  measurement and control equipment. Especially, we are the leader in sensor tester, high-pressure or vacuum leak test, intelligent equipments, and anti-corrosion coating technology in both internal and external of pipeline. We are ISO9001:2008 certificated, we are the forerunner of using FEMA, 5S management and project management in the industry. Our business range covers automobiles, electrical and anti-corrosion coating, etc. Our main clients are foreign enterprises, and many of which are world top class enterprises, such as VOLVO, Honeywell, GE, BOSCH, Grundfos,AEGIS, etc.. ...
                The company's business is mainly involved in automotive, electrical, pipeline corrosion and other industries. The company's main customers focus on various types of wholly owned enterprises in Europe and America, many of which are the world's top industry enterprises, such asVOLVO、Honeywell、GE、BOSCH、Grundfos等
                Copyright?2017 苏ICP备11050948号-1Suzhou delix automation Precision Machine Co., Ltd Technical supportshidewei